Friday 2 January 2015

Ten rules for safe hiking and mountain climbing

Go hiking well prepared in the South Tyrol mountains
             Safety takes priority! Please observe the following rules:
  1. Plan your hiking excursions carefully: information about the length and difficulty is imperative for a safe experience in the mountains. Let the other members of your party or your host or the mountain hut proprietor know where you are going.
  2. Before each excursion look at the latest weather forecast and keep your eye out for any changes in the weather during the excursion. Mountain hut proprietors can provide additional useful information about the immediate local weather situation.
  3. Assess your fitness level objectively and choose a suitable excursion. Start early in the morning and build some extra time into your plan, to make sure that you are already home before darkness falls.
  4. Adopt a moderate and regular walking pace. Include sufficient breaks, especially if you are walking with children.
  5. Make sure you have a sufficient supply of fluids! The most suitable drinks are water, tea or natural juices. As food for the hike, foods rich in nutrients are most suitable; these include foods like wholemeal bread, dried fruits and nuts.
  6. Make sure that you have the appropriate equipment, and above all that you have sturdy footwear: A good pair of walking shoes provides secure support and protects the joints.
  7. Choose light and breathable clothing and appropriate spare clothes. Never forget to pack in your rucksack clothing which offers protection against the cold and the rain. You should also always carry a first-aid kit.
  8. Always have consideration for the weaker members of your party. Advise other hikers of any dangers and give first aid in the event of an emergency.
  9. Treat nature with respect: avoid making noise, do not leave any rubbish and protect the vegetation. Take care of plants and animals that are protected species.
  10. Always follow the path and stay on the marked walking trails and steep tracks. Consult your walking map from time to time and in case of doubt turn back in good time.

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